
The end of the road... and the beginning of another

A few moments ago, Trevor R. Thomas offered his congratulations and support to Steve Pestka on his victory in the primary.

Trevor is an exceptional person, and I am proud to have worked with him these past few months. For this being his first run for office, he did an outstanding job. He has an outstanding future ahead of him.

I am grateful to Trevor for all he has done, as well as Clint Wallace and the rest of the Trevor for Congress team for giving me this opportunity. This job has meant so much to me, and I hold my head up high, knowing we did so much to engage people and to contribute to the discussion.

A dedicated public servant, Steve Pestka will make a great Congressman following in the footsteps of Gerald Ford, Dick VanderVeen, Paul Henry, and others. I look forward to helping him win in November!

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