
John Edwards: I'd Invest Billions in Michigan

My stock in Edwards is climbing.

The U.S. government should invest billions to help Michigan become the hub for transforming the nation's energy economy, Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards said Saturday.

Speaking to more than 1,800 Democrats at the annual Jefferson Jackson dinner at Cobo Center in Detroit, Edwards said he'd like to see Michigan evolve.

"We should put billions of dollars into creation of the new technology and $1 billion should go right to the car companies," he said. "I don't want to see the cars of the future built anywhere else."

With the first primary elections nine months away, Edwards consistently trails U.S. Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama in public opinion polls about the Democratic contenders for the White House. But he struck a popular theme with the labor-heavy audience.


LargeBill said...

Obviously the headline is a little misleading. Edwards doesn't have billions to invest. He is a millionaire. I believe a more honest headline is Edwards offers to use other peoples money to bribe citizens of Michigan to vote for him.

Scott said...

If you look closely Bill, you'll see that he's talking about investing billions in FEDERAL money in Michigan, not billions of his own money.