
Be It Further Resolved that It Is Hot and Humid Outside

We Precinct Delegates are delegates to three County Democratic Conventions between our election in August and early- to mid-February.

Saturday was the first such Convention, and at this one we elected individuals to serve on three State Convention Committees: Rules; Credentials; and Platform. We also adopted resolutions to be forwarded to the state Platform Committee for their consideration.

As I did last year, this weekend I introduced two resolutions that were adopted by the County Convention and forwarded to the State Platform Committee:


WHEREAS, the Michigan Democratic Party proudly supports the ideals of equality and freedom;

WHEREAS, it is through the internet that people become informed about issues, communicate with others, and learn what they need to know;

WHEREAS, internet neutrality, also known as ‘net neutrality,’ is the principle by which all website content is provided to internet users fairly. Under net neutrality, all websites are guaranteed a level playing field in terms of how quickly their content is delivered;

WHEREAS, net neutrality puts small businesses with limited resources on a level playing field with their larger competitors as it allows their website content to be delivered at the same rate at which other companies’ content is delivered;

WHEREAS, a number of large internet companies have lobbied Congress and the Federal Communications Commission to do away with net neutrality. If they succeed, these companies would be allowed to charge companies to allow their websites to load faster than others;

WHEREAS, allowing internet providers to do this would put businesses with limited financial resources at a disadvantage while inhibiting internet users’ ability to quickly and easily access the information they need;

WHEREAS, United States Senator Al Franken has called net neutrality “the First Amendment issue of our time,” while a wide range of companies and individuals, including President Obama, the Teamsters, the Grand Rapids Institute for Information Democracy, Amazon, Facebook, and Microsoft, all support net neutrality.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Kent County Democratic Party supports the principle of net neutrality and urges all members of Michigan’s congressional delegation to resist attempts to do away with this important provision.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Kent County Democratic Party encourages the Michigan Democratic Party Platform Committee to include language in the 2010 platform in support of the principle of net neutrality.


WHEREAS, the Kent County Democratic Party supports economic opportunity for all citizens, particularly the disadvantaged;

WHEREAS, Michigan’s current income tax rate is 4.35%;

WHEREAS, 34 other states and the federal government have a graduated income tax structure, by which individuals with lower incomes pay a smaller share of their income in taxes. All 34 states have lower unemployment rates than Michigan;

WHEREAS, Article IX, Section 7 of the Michigan Constitution prohibits the implementation of an income tax that is “graduated as to rate or base;”

WHEREAS, Michigan has dealt with significant budget shortfalls in recent years – shortfalls which may be addressed in part by a graduated income tax structure.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Kent County Democratic Party supports a Constitutional amendment to allow for a graduated income tax structure in Michigan;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Kent County Democratic Party encourages the Michigan Democratic Party Platform Committee to include language in the 2010 platform that supports such an amendment.

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