
Bits of Tid: July 12, 2007

  • NYC firefighters don’t like Rudy Giuliani.
  • I wish I could get paid $440.50 per day to do nothing.
  • The Bay City Times:
  • Senate Majority Leader Michael Bishop, R-Rochester, denied that there was a deal to balance the state budget. In exchange for raising taxes, he demands a remake of a wide swath of state government.
    Give it a rest, senator.
    Republicans couldn't get these changes done when they ran Lansing. They sure aren't going to eliminate public school pensions and retiree health plans, among other reforms, this year.
  • Two new federal judges were confirmed for West Michigan on Monday. One - Janet Neff - was approved after Sam Brownback held up her nomination because she - gasp - attended a commitment ceremony. At any rate, Neff will vacate a state Court of Appeals seat which Governor Granholm will fill. Might I suggest Jane Beckering, the 2006 nominee for Michigan Supreme Court who got rave reviews? Appointing Beckering will help grow the Democratic bench for the state Supreme Court.
  • Can’t wait to prove Dave Camp wrong.
  • Tuesday was LiberalLucy’s birthday. Check out my greeting on MichLib.
  • Fly me to the moon, and let me play among the stars.”
  • Yours truly has submitted another word for banishment to LSSU. Or is it a word?
    w00t - Color me surprised that this lousy excuse for a 'word' hasn't been banished yet.

  • Detroit Tigers’ magic number: 75.

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