
Labor begins to rally around Obama

No surprise here, the United Auto Workers has endorsed Barack Obama.

"After a historic primary campaign which activated and mobilized millions of voters, our union is proud to endorse Sen. Barack Obama," said UAW President Ron Gettelfinger. "He has inspired our country with a positive vision for a better America -- and with concrete plans to turn that vision into reality.


"On every issue that counts, we can count on Barack Obama to stand with our members, our families and our communities. He has pledged to rebuild America's manufacturing base and to assist the auto industry as we re-tool toward a cleaner, more modern transportation system. "Sen. Obama supports free choice in the workplace; he will fight to deliver quality, affordable health care to every American; and he understands the need to change our trade policies so that U.S. workers and U.S. companies can compete fairly in the global economy.

The UAW is not alone, of course.

The International Association of Fire Fighters is expected to endorse Obama in the coming weeks. Says IAFF President Harold Schaitberger:

If (candidates) stand with us we will stand with them.

Of course, with the nomination having just been settled in the past few days, so many unions haven't had the chance to rally around him. But given Obama's economic plan (among other things), it should be safe to say most of them will back him.

Incidentally, if you didn't catch his speech in North Carolina on Monday, here it is:

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